Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ken's Music

Finally gaining back some of the feeling of enjoying blogging i had last time, kaka, happy happy.

Spending hours exploring on html code to embed music player, and still I couldn't solve it. Taking the easy way out,, a very nice and convenient website for the file hosting and website link.

Here are some of my favourite songs.

Sharing is always source of happiness. Whether you like it or not, I appreciate if you take the time to listen to it. : )

"Here in My Home" by Malaysian Artist for Unity, a song you should never miss. A truly Malaysian spirit of independence time.

Is it sad to say so?

I am.


Unknown said...

send me the song when u online,kaka.

Anonymous said...

hey,wher is ur convo's pic lah?=p

Anonymous said...

hey,wher is ur convo's pic lah?=p

Ken Teh said...

I still have lots of material to be posted, wait wait patiently ya. :p