Saturday, April 25, 2009

Quote of The Day

It was a total disaster for us when being informed that more than 80% of us were not shortlisted for the interview for Bachelor of Architecture.

We have been told that working for one year will be benefinial, and will increase your chance to obtain a place in the course. We worked hard for the past 1 year, and the passion is still burning hot inside us. Yet, most of us arent't even given a chance, not for a place in the course, but barely a chance for the interview!!!

My first reaction confirming the shorlisted candidates up for the lecturers, head of department, appeal, appeal and appeal!!!

And it proves that it works. Eventually not just me, but most of us are called up for the interview.

I wanna remind myself of these quotes, and always adhere to these in whatever I do.

AhBeng says:"Never try, never know. Do our best and have no regrets in life."

AhBeng says:"Everything that doens't kill you, makes you stronger."

AhBeng says:"Do our best, and the God will do the rest for us."

AhBeng also says:"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."

Whatever results on Monday, I am prepared for it. Architecture life is tough, ups and downs, however I believe every process of success of failure, making me a better person.

All the best for all the interviewees for Bachelor of Architecture on Monday.


chimin said...

all the best to u~!

yannytan said...

good luck...god bless u..

Anonymous said...

You will get it ^.^

Ken Teh said...

thanks, the interview has alr over.

I did my best, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.